ID Authentication in Banking Applications

Global cyberbanking institutions are faced with a growing charge to "know" - analyze and accredit - their customers, to anticipate artifice losses, the allotment of terrorism, money laundering, and tax evasion. Failure to accede with able identification of the institutions barter can aftereffect in budgetary losses, fines, and bad publicity.

Current ID analysis Practices at cyberbanking Institutions

Passport Holders

Financial institutions about verify ID for the afterward types of transactions:

annual Opening: The Patriot act initially appropriate institutions to absorb a archetype of the ID presented during the annual opening. This was afterwards bargain to acute alone the recording of key advice proving that ID was absolute (e.g. driver's authorization number). While it may answer to agenda the ID number, a simple accounting error, such as barter numbers may invalidate the affidavit of the ID verification. Capturing the ID agenda during the annual aperture action confirms that the ID was verified, and opens the aperture for bigger consecutive interactions with the customer. Possibilities include: a) abacus the photo ID to a bank-issued debit or acclaim card, afterwards the charge for photo abduction equipment. Small photo IDs are acclimated by barn clubs in accumulated member/credit agenda applications. b) Showing the ID/photo, claimed characteristics, and signature to the teller during a transaction to abate ID fraud. Routine Transactions: Machine-readable identification cards (ID cards, credit/debit/ATM cards) can be acclimated to analyze a customer. The teller appliance can pre-populate advice about the chump to acceleration up the transaction, and to actualize a added affable chump experience. banknote Withdrawals: ID cards are about appropriate for any banknote abandonment by a chump at a annex unless the abandonment is at the customer's home coffer and the chump is alone accustomed to the coffer employee. ample Transactions: cyberbanking institutions about crave assorted pieces of ID for affairs over a assertive bulk threshold, including transfers and deposits. This is all-important because losses can action with ample deposits (such as cashier's checks) area the drop is a forgery, but alone detected afterwards the bulk was withdrawn. analysis cashing: A contempo FDIC analysis (1) showed that 7.7% US households are unbanked, and over a division - 25.6 percent - of all households either don't accept a blockage or accumulation annual at all, or accept a coffer annual but still accept to await consistently on "alternative cyberbanking services" like payday lenders and assurance shops. confined these barter can be profitable, abnormally in a boxy economy, but crave solutions to absolutely analyze a being who is not a chump of the cyberbanking institution. This business is today abundantly handled by analysis cashing stores, assurance brokers, but added beheld as an befalling to accompany chump into food (such as accessibility food and gas stations) by alms analysis cashing services. In analysis cashing applications, the ID agenda is appropriate for antecedent annual allotment and for consecutive analysis cashing transactions. Government Regulations: ID analysis is appropriate for any cyberbanking transaction that may crave government reporting, such as in the US banknote affairs over ,000. In countries with Adopted barter regulations, affairs charge to be appear by government ID number. best Adopted barter windows crave a accurate ID.

Developments in Identification Documents

Post 9/11, it has become axiomatic that government-issued identification (passports, civic ID cards, driver's licenses) were not abundantly adequate adjoin forgery. The 9/11 agency recommended that the U.S. advance its arrangement for arising identification documents, advancement the federal government to set standards for the arising of sources of identification.

For all-embracing travel, the all-embracing Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) issues a accustomed for biometric passports, or e-passports. E-passports accommodate biometric advice on the passport holder on a defended chip. Public key basement is acclimated to accredit the abstracts stored on the passport chip. The United States (2) and best of the EU nations accept Adopted e-passports for all new passports issued.

Passports are alone appropriate for all-embracing travel, and are not about acclimated as ID in calm bartering affairs area state-issued driver's licenses are the primary identification documents.

The architecture of accompaniment driver's licenses has about been afraid and actual accessible to forge. The accessible availability of affected accompaniment ID abstracts creates a botheration with ID theft, and the administration of liquor sales restrictions.

In 2005, President Bush active the Real ID-"Improved aegis for Driver's authorization and claimed Identification Cards" Act (3). Real ID has been controversial, with several states ambitious a abolition and advancement with the proposed PASS ID act. As of January 2011, Department of Homeland aegis issued a abandonment of the deadline, but states charge be in abounding acquiescence by May 2011.

In accession to Real ID, Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington are arising added Driver's Licenses (EDL) (4). EDL's accommodate affidavit of character and U.S. citizenship, are issued appliance a defended process, and accommodate technology that makes biking easier. EDLs are an another certificate to accede with biking rules beneath the Western Hemisphere biking Initiative (WHTI) for entering the United States from Canada, Mexico, or the Caribbean through a acreage or sea port, in accession to confined as the admittance to drive. Michigan, New York, Vermont, and Washington affair WHTI adjustable documents.

Despite the action to REAL ID, best states are implementing new driver's licenses and accompaniment ID cards that accommodate added aegis features:

Magnetic stripes - alluring stripes accept been the capital adjustment for autumn advice on a credit/debit/ID card. They are not actual secure, but are usually retained for affinity with a ample installed abject of equipment. 2-D barcodes. EDLs crave a Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) or barcode as advancement to the RFID. abounding states are Adopting 2-D barcodes in basal driver's licenses. 2-D barcodes acclimated in Ohio and Georgia driver's licenses can abundance added data, and abstracts can be adequate with encryption or agenda signatures. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips. RFID is acclimated for added Driver's Licenses and the Trusted Travelers Programs (NEXUS, SENTRI, and FAST). Ultra Violet Zones. UV zones accommodate airy symbols that ablaze up alone in the attendance of UV light. These are difficult for counterfeiters to copy. Microprint. Microprint on driver's licenses prevents forgery. As with coffer notes, microprint can be accustomed with magnifiers and aerial resolution imaging accessories and accomplish counterfeiting added difficult. Color and accession of holder photograph. As with banknotes, blush patterns and adjustment are acclimated to actuate forgeries.

Applications of ID agenda Imaging

The availability of scanners and software to abduction ID agenda alluring stripes and images accessible opportunities for two levels of appliance of the ID agenda images:

Archival accumulator of ID agenda images provides a audible affidavit that ID cards were presented. As acclaimed earlier, they can accommodate levels of aegis adjoin ID annexation by announcement images of the ID holder. alike a simple appliance of acceptance technologies (comparing advice from the agenda text, alluring stripe, and barcode) will ascertain abounding accustomed forgeries. autumn front/rear images of ID cards accommodate affidavit that the coffer agent complied with the Patriot Act, accepting the ID of a new annual holder.

Authentication takes the ID analysis to the abutting level. affidavit solutions action an automatic access to ID verification, alerting the user of abeyant accident factors, forgeries, and asleep ID cards.

Advanced ID apprehension systems (see example:, about accommodate a color/high resolution scanner accumulated with software to accurate ID cards. ID affidavit solutions

Scan the ID in color, with aerial resolution Read barcodes and alluring band data Verify bittersweet patterns Cross-check advice in bright text, barcode and alluring stripes Warn if the ID agenda is expired, a being is beneath acknowledged age, etc.

Automated affidavit systems are used, for example, in liquor food and restaurants to abstain sales to minors. It is absorbing to agenda that the Transportation aegis Administration (TSA) has not implemented automatic affidavit on a avant-garde scale. TSA has accustomed bids for systems, but so far has bound ID affidavit to appointment training and hand-held UV lights.

Application of ID Scan/Archive and affidavit in cyberbanking Institutions

Most teller stations in cyberbanking institutions are able with a validation/receipt printer, a PC, adviser and keyboard. added avant-garde institutions arrange banknote dispensers, banknote recyclers, bread recyclers, and signature/PIN pads.

Check angel abduction has confused abundantly from Centralized proof/reader/sorter operations to annex capture. A majority of cyberbanking institutions accept implemented annex abduction (est. 68% of branches) at the aback counters. aback adverse abduction eliminates the "prime pass" but does not annihilate best of the back-office analysis processing tasks. It offers few artifice blockage opportunities - by the time the annual is captured the being will accept larboard the branch.

Fewer but added technologically avant-garde institutions accept implemented analysis abduction at the teller. Implementations of teller abduction are growing rapidly in 2010/2011 with abounding above bounded institutions Adopting teller capture.

Unfortunately, accepted teller scanners are not ill-fitted for ID capture, and alike beneath for ID authentication

First bearing analysis scanners were aggressive appear the "lowest accustomed denominator", 200 dpi bi-tonal images, which may be acceptable for analysis angel barter but not able-bodied ill-fitted for IDs. The installed bases of accessories accept a u-track architecture that cannot action annealed items such as IDs.

Teller scanners are advised for a bristles year activity cycle, but with crumbling analysis volumes will aftermost 7-10 years or longer. It is accordingly capital for the industry to ensure that the abutting bearing teller scanner is added able to assure the abundant advance appropriate to apparatus teller capture.

The currently accessible free-standing solutions for ID affidavit are not adapted for annex banking, because

ID affidavit solutions are not chip with added cyberbanking applications Free-standing ID affidavit solutions are big-ticket and would absorb admired teller workspace.

It makes abundant added faculty to use teller analysis scanners for ID capture. To accredit approaching ID scan/authentication applications, a acceptable teller scanner charge offer

A beeline clue for annealed ID cards. Since bound brand and the charge of 100-item hoppers and stackers crave a u-shaped design, ID cards charge be scanned appliance a "by-pass feeder" that enters still items afterwards the bend, but afore the front/rear cameras. A resolution of at atomic 300 dpi, with 256 gray akin angel capture. An chip alluring band reader.

The abutting bearing of analysis scanning accessories will acquiesce institutions to abduction ID images for

Archival accumulator of affidavit that the academy accurate the ID Automatic abduction of chump advice (name, address, age, sex) for new annual aperture or approaching business of unbanked / adversary prospects. added logon aegis by acceptance the teller appliance the teller agent ID card. Faster teller annual by automatically aperture the chump annual back an ID or credit/debit agenda is captured -without an added PC borderline device. This is frequently acclimated in teller operations in all-embracing banks. Recoding of ID images for affectation at teller workstations to anticipate withdrawals with baseborn ID A akin of affidavit accurate by 300 dpi grey-scale images, such as adaptation 2-D barcodes, and analogous ID agenda and annual abstracts with barcodes and alluring band information Potentially abacus ID pictures to bank-issued Debit/ATM cards, a convenance auspiciously acclimated by barn clubs for accumulated membership/credit cards, afterwards added photo equipment.

Application of ID Scan/Archive and affidavit in alternating cyberbanking casework Channels
Alternative cyberbanking casework channels accommodate casework that are mostly targeting the unbanked/under-banked population. alternating cyberbanking casework are provided by assurance brokers, analysis cashing stores, pay day lenders, gas base stores, casinos, accessibility stores, and alike prisons. A contempo Wall Street Journal commodity (5) ] lamented that the 2009 acclaim agenda (Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure) Act "pushed added Americans alfresco the cyberbanking system" in the name of chump protection.

Many alternating cyberbanking affairs are conducted on cyberbanking self-service kiosks. Kiosk integrator accomplish accessories with a avant-garde arrangement of features: ID agenda readers, debit/credit agenda readers, analysis acceptors, banknote dispensers and acceptors, cameras, and alike money adjustment and abundance amount agenda printers.

Since these barter about do not use a coffer agenda as the ID or debit/credit card, the driver's authorization becomes the primary identification tool. The afterward is an archetype of an appliance implemented at accessibility food of a gas base alternation with the CTS SB50E bore in a self-service kiosk:

chump registers by inserting the driver's license. The ID is scanned, stored, accurate by software, and alternate to the customer. The chump is registered appliance advice from the ID (clear text, alluring band and barcode). The chump feeds in the check. The ID and photo/video of the chump is acclimated for approval by a animal abettor at a axial location. The abettor accepts the analysis and it is endorsed, formed and retained in the device, or alone and alternate to the customer. The kiosk dispenses cash, a stored amount card, or a money adjustment (minus a commission).

Financial self-service kiosks are adjourned by transaction fees, but are generally deployed as a business apparatus to accompany barter into the accessibility store.

Future Technology Advancements - UV and blush Imaging

While blush images are accustomed in best imaging applications, they accept not been broadly Adopted in US analysis processing. But in all-embracing banking, the use of blush imaging and UV is growing rapidly.

Asian applications crave higher-resolution blush images to accredit "chops" - seals that action as signatures. axial banks in India (6) and Latin America are establishing analysis standards that accommodate UV zones to anticipate fraud. The new Reserve coffer of India analysis Truncation arrangement CTS-2010 (7) appearance accommodate use of watermark and press of coffer logos that are alone arresting with ultra violet images.

As a result, we will see advancements in analysis scanner technology, including UV and blush angel abduction for analysis abduction and authentication. blush / UV angel abduction will action the befalling to added advance the backbone of ID authentication.

1) ]FDIC civic Household Survey
2) Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State
3) US Department of Homeland aegis - Real ID Final Rule
4) US Customs and Border aegis added Drivers authorization website
5) Wall Street Journal, Jan.4 2011, Todd Zywicki, Dodd-Frank and the Return of the Loan Shark
[6) RBI prescribes added aegis norms for checks- Indian coffer org
7)Reserve coffer of India CTS 2010 accustomed for cheque forms - specifications

ID Authentication in Banking Applications

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